Monday, December 5, 2011

Trauma Mamas Must Read

My friend, Lisa, over at One Thankful Mom had a very inspiring post for all parents of "kids from hard places" today. 

I love Lisa's heart and today she nailed it. Go read it. :-)  You will be blessed.

One Thankful Mom - My Learning Curve:  Never Give Up

Blessings to you,


Kim said...

LOVE the new banner photo!!! Nice job!

OneThankfulMom said...

Thanks for sharing my post - I think I need to read it myself - every day - until I have it memorized. Dimples is struggling, and you know what that is like.

Kate said...

Your friend Lisa shipped Dimples off to an unlicensed Ranch in MT for 18 mos.

That's not love.

That's dumping a kid!