Kids from hard places often fall into baby-talk. They will babble, allowing their tongue to get in the way, raise their pitch, and soften the volume. This can be puzzling, annoying and unnerving to us moms.
It is my non-expert opinion that this comes from a deep need to be nurtured with unconditional love.
What do you do with this behavior?
We have tried all kinds of things. Some were somewhat successful. Other ideas crashed and burned.
We've had two strategies that have seemed to meet the need and bring our child back to a place of maturity in the end.
When the baby talk starts, I hold her in my arms and talk to her like a little baby, calling her precious and beautiful and loved. I gaze into her eyes, smile, and coo. Sometimes, she will put things in her mouth or reach for dangerous things. I will "No, no." her like a mom of a toddler. Then, when she asks for big kid stuff, I will say, "Oh no. We don't let babies have ..." At that point , she is usually ready to be a big girl again.
The other strategy that has worked wonders lately is what I call "Wii MySims" language. The Wii characteres only talk in gibberish that is only understood by inflection and cadence. So, when I hear the baby-talk, I smile brightly, and begin speaking gibberish - high, light, silly baby-talk with lots of laughing. Sometimes, I give her the "I don't understand?" or the "What? Me?" sound. Sometimes, I give her a silly "You're in big trouble now," finger-wagging. Inevitably, we both end up giggling. It has become a playful way to give her what she needs and keep things light-hearted. This is also one that Steve loves to use with her.
What do you think? Any other great ideas?
Blessings to you,
Medika Mamba grads!
12 hours ago