Thursday, July 28, 2011

Crazy Days

Here we are in the middle last part of summer and I am overwhelmed with the amount of things going on.  A lot has been accomplished, but we have a lot packed in to the last few weeks of summer.

This Last week is was VBS at our church. (How bad is that?  It took me more than a week to type this much!  Holy cow...I'm too busy!)

Well anyway...We had VBS.  Luke is on a mission trip this week.  Next week is Steve's parent's 50th wedding anniversary.  We have a family vacation coming up.  Then, it's back to school for Cupcake.  Two days later, we will move Tim back in to college.  Oh, that's right...we have four birthdays to celebrate in our immediate family in the month of August. (Luke on the 2nd, Cupcake on the 13th, Steve on the 23rd, and Sugar on the 28th.)  No kid parties will be had in August.  I just can't do it.  We'll see how Cupcake handles that...

I have so much I want to blog about, but my time is just tight right now.  So I will leave you with a few pictures of VBS. 

Sugar was a preschool leader, but I have no pictures of her.  :-(  They are on a friend's camera.

I didn't get permission from everybody, so some faces have been smeared.

Cupcake had already done Pandamania VBS at Grandma's church, so she knew all the motions to the songs.  Consequently, she got to lead the songs at our church!

She also got to hold lots of toddlers every chance she got.

Blessings to you,

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